its been ages since the last post. so many things happened. But too lazy to update it here. But shall do soon.
Esok Aidil Adha. 1st time celebrate without Papa. so in a nutshell, this year takde preparation langsung. In fact tomorrow morning for the very 1st time we are not celebrating it together. So esok ill try to wake up early, mandi sunat and solat sunat kat surau belakang rumah. Ibu and the rest of them will come to my place later after solat. Late eve we'll heading to Mcca. Jumpa papa. yay!!! Dah sebulan lebeh tak jumpa papa. the very next day, there'll be tahlil for papa. sekejap jer dah setahun lebih papa takde. May he rest in Jannah. Insya Allah.
Since takde preparation nak raya, malam ni sibuk browse the net and lookup for pengertian Haji/Qurban etc. Baru hati rasa gembira after reading them. Teringat balik kisah Siti Hajar and Ismail, perjuangan Nabi Ibrahim, wujudnya Kaabah, Hajjarul Aswad, Rukun Haji. Rasa keinsafan dan rendah diri dengan kewujudan Allah s.w.t. Im toooooo small. Rasa kerdil tak terhingga...
Tiba-tiba hati ini teringin sangat menjadi tetamu Allah, menjejakkan kaki ke Baitullah al Haram. Ya Allah makbulkan doa hamba Mu ini, amin...
Esok Aidil Adha. 1st time celebrate without Papa. so in a nutshell, this year takde preparation langsung. In fact tomorrow morning for the very 1st time we are not celebrating it together. So esok ill try to wake up early, mandi sunat and solat sunat kat surau belakang rumah. Ibu and the rest of them will come to my place later after solat. Late eve we'll heading to Mcca. Jumpa papa. yay!!! Dah sebulan lebeh tak jumpa papa. the very next day, there'll be tahlil for papa. sekejap jer dah setahun lebih papa takde. May he rest in Jannah. Insya Allah.
Since takde preparation nak raya, malam ni sibuk browse the net and lookup for pengertian Haji/Qurban etc. Baru hati rasa gembira after reading them. Teringat balik kisah Siti Hajar and Ismail, perjuangan Nabi Ibrahim, wujudnya Kaabah, Hajjarul Aswad, Rukun Haji. Rasa keinsafan dan rendah diri dengan kewujudan Allah s.w.t. Im toooooo small. Rasa kerdil tak terhingga...
Tiba-tiba hati ini teringin sangat menjadi tetamu Allah, menjejakkan kaki ke Baitullah al Haram. Ya Allah makbulkan doa hamba Mu ini, amin...
Salam Aidul Adha tuk semua...