Today is 15th Oct. Hubby is 35! Time fly so fast. Rasanya baru jer celebrate his birthday last year. Last year celebration was the best. That nite we had big dinner @ Tony Romas. Papa siap beli birthday present tuk hubby. To hubby, that was special cause selama ni selain daripada I, tak pernah org lain celebrate birthday dia. We really had good time that nite.
But that nite jugak Papa pergi meninggalkan kami. Just few hours after that dinner. Sedih kalau diingatkan. But, as mummy always said, yang pergi tetap pergi. Kita yang masih ada kena teruskan life macam biasa. Alhamdulilah, dah setahun Papa pergi ni, semua can accept the facts and fate yg Papa dah tiada. Except kakdik yg kadang2 susah sgt nak let him go. I guess because she was so attached to Papa that made her susah to let him go. Hopes she'll be strong eventually. and hopefully Papa may rest in Jannah peacefully. Amin...
So, since this year i have no liberty to overspend, i decided to cook for hubby. Nothing special, but the thought of not doin anythin would be more kejam, ive decided to make it simple but memorable. Perhaps? So this morning, after sending him to work, i rushed to Giant Kinrara to get apa yg patut. After wasted more than 30 mins in Giant, hati tergerak nak check wallet, and guess what??????? I left it at home! Masa tu rasa nak knock my head for my own stupidity! Dahla selama ni bawak bag yg bagak tu, tapi wallet yg kecik tu pun tak bole simpan dlm bag tu! Arrgghh.. Rasa marah sgt. Anor thing because petrol masa tu pun tinggal nyawa2 ikan jer. Well, what options do i have? Terpaksa balik and later dtg balik Giant... Kan buang masa and tenaga namanya tu?
So around 5pm, i start my project. First, to prepare Kek Batik. Ni mmg favourite hubby.Dah lama dia mintak me to prepare this cake. But since her wife have the word 'PROCRASTINATE' as her middle name, selalu dok tangguh2 sampai tak berbuat2 pun. Since today it's his birthday, i did this to make him happy. Dan sebenarnya bukan lah susah pun... Tak sampai 20mins kek siap and ready to be chilled in the fridge. After that lamb yg dah dimarinade pun di grill, half cooked. So that bila hubby balik, bole jer masak sekejap. In the same time siapkan coleslow as sidedish and by 6pm semua dah siap... Tadaaaaaa..
Around 615pm gerak ke Cyberjaya to pick him up. Awal2 tadi dah bagitau Hubby suh balik ngan offmate dia sebab konon2 nak suprise him with the candle lite dinner ke apa, tapi tak berjaya. Semua org dah ada plan kata dia. So bila sampai, nasib baik hubby cakap dia nak balik terus and siap bagitau dia nak dinner lambat arini. Konon nak balik mandi, rest, dinner than buat keja free lance dia.
Sampai rumah Hubby terus naik mandi. Time ni la buat last minute preparation. Goreng fries, grill lamb balik and fix the drink. Habis dia mandi, its my turn to bathe and bersiap. When i went down, hubby on the couch melelapkan mata. Senang masa ni masuk kitchen, prepare the dish and the table too. Siap lite on the candle and tutup lampu lagi.. Hahahaha...
Later, semua da siap, its time to wake him up. At first muka dia cam terpinga2 and tanya why i tutup lampu semua. When i invited him to table for dinner, dia cam terharu... (ye ke? ke berlakon jer? :p) So ini lah lamb chop fo that nite. With brown sauce sekali. :)
homemade lamb chop
Dan inilah muka Hubby ku yang konon2 suprised and happy tu!
Sepanjang mkn to we just keep quite and enjoying the food. Maybe sebab tk penah makan dlm gelap kot? Hahahahahah.. At the end hubby bersuara, "cuba you tgk lamb ni? i dah abis makan semua kan? ni tulang jer kan?" Hahahahaha.. kompem Hubby makan dlm gelap!
After semua dah licin, i cleaned the table sambil Hubby sandar kekenyangan. Tak berhenti2 hubby senyum simpul. Im glad he's happy with the chop! And now, its time for dessert. Took out the cake from the fridge and cut a slice for him. Then i said to him, "B, belum abis lagi tau. This is ur most wanted cake. I taktau sedap ke idak. My 1st time buat ni." When i gave him that cake, muka dia mmg teruja. Nasib baik tak bake choc cake beria2. This simple cake pun buat dia teruja.
"B, da lama i mintak cake ni. Arini baru u buat.. Tq sgt2.." (ermm..perli ke tu?) Tak kisahlah, yg penting he's happy. Nasib baik he loves it. Sukati tgk dia mkn bersungguh2. Rasa cam berbaloi sgt masak tuk dia bithday ni! :)
Ni la rupa Kek Batik tu. Though its ugly, tapi sedap. hahahhaa.. Im glad he's happy with the dinner. Betul kata org, homemade cook is the best. Ada personal touch di situ. And yes, kalo tak sedap pun, Hubby mesti tak berani nak complaint. Confirm dah segala permintaan utk memasak after this tak akan dilayan! So u can never go wrong if u decide to cook for your spouse on very special occasion like this.
To Love of my life, Happy Birthday. Moga di panjangkan usia, dimurahkan rezeki, di berkati kehidupan ini dunia dan akhirat.
Have a blast year ahead. Again,
Don't think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic! And yes... "Let me sayang u, B..." Hehehehehehe...