Friday, November 27, 2009

Salam Eid Adha

its been ages since the last post. so many things happened. But too lazy to update it here. But shall do soon.

Esok Aidil Adha. 1st time celebrate without Papa. so in a nutshell, this year takde preparation langsung. In fact tomorrow morning for the very 1st time we are not celebrating it together. So esok ill try to wake up early, mandi sunat and solat sunat kat surau belakang rumah. Ibu and the rest of them will come to my place later after solat. Late eve we'll heading to Mcca. Jumpa papa. yay!!! Dah sebulan lebeh tak jumpa papa. the very next day, there'll be tahlil for papa. sekejap jer dah setahun lebih papa takde. May he rest in Jannah. Insya Allah.

Since takde preparation nak raya, malam ni sibuk browse the net and lookup for pengertian Haji/Qurban etc. Baru hati rasa gembira after reading them. Teringat balik kisah Siti Hajar and Ismail, perjuangan Nabi Ibrahim, wujudnya Kaabah, Hajjarul Aswad, Rukun Haji. Rasa keinsafan dan rendah diri dengan kewujudan Allah s.w.t. Im toooooo small. Rasa kerdil tak terhingga...

Tiba-tiba hati ini teringin sangat menjadi tetamu Allah, menjejakkan kaki ke Baitullah al Haram. Ya Allah makbulkan doa hamba Mu ini, amin...

Salam Aidul Adha tuk semua...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How's the Weather Today?

i keep asking my frenz this question lately? Mostly wanna know how is she really doing every day. its been bumpy and cloudy last week. but then.. cant expect it 's gonna be bright and sunny every day.

but today, the weather is nice. light rain.... and the sea is rushing to shore... breezy...

and im loving it, definitely!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


im bored.. bored to death..

bored with my life.

need a jumpstart!

do i really need someone to knock my head and tell me what to do?

eh tak yah la... im not 5 yrs old gurl. sila jgn sibuk dengan kehidupan saya!

im rambling.. rambling.. rambling...

rambling thoughts.. killing me...

i hate what i see, what i heard, what i read... bosan......

semua sama. as much as i think i am far better than anyone, i am no less.. just like them.

so what will i do now?


hmm... am i facing mid life crisis? demmit.. hell no.. 31 wont fall under this category. in denial? ntah... hahhahahahahahha... ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...

why do i turning like them? noooooooooooooooo......

So... have mercy to yourself... do something about it!

Things to do.

1. Love yourself
2. Dont listen to others if it hurts you. Good criticsm is yes. But bad criticsm to let down ur spirit must be ignored!
3. Procrastinate is NOT ur middle name! Wake up and moves.
4. Do not ever judge people. U r no better than anyone.
5. Learn to R.E.S.P.E.C.T others just like how much u want to be treated well.
6.Start reading again.
7.Have fun with life, taking it seriously might kill you.
8.Appreciate what u have now, cause u will never know that u might losing it one day.
9. Life is simple. Do not complicate them.
10. Never stop praying. The Almighty knows better.

i guess these are good for time being. lets work on this 10 things before i wanna start with other 100s.

good luck to me, myself and i! :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Meatball Makes Me Happy!

She's doing it again!!!!!!!! Pulling out for the 2nd time??? Adeh.. Bahbi la ini pompuan! I know for a fact that ramai yg happy she's not coming. But i was disappointed. Tatau ngapa. I really love this pompuan since she's with Destiny Childs dulu. Segala history dia since she was small and the effort yg bapak dia kuarkan to formed DC, semua i tau! I love her n Kelly. Michelle pun bole la.. Bila she decides to do solo album, i was really look fwd for her album. Dangerously in Love mmg one of my faveret album. And her latest album pun i still suka. Esp that Single Lady song. memang cheers me up. So bila i heard she's coming to Kl, macam cacing kepanasan i carik ticket. dah la mahal gila babas... Luckily i have a friend who works @ Stadium Bukit Jalil yg baik hati gives me free tix. Masa confirm that im getting the tix, macam lompat bintang i jadinya! Yelah, free tix babe!!!!!! Beyonce lak tu...

But bila smlm they make it official thru organiser PC, she's not coming, rasa hangin satu badan ngan betina ni! Hubby has his own theory saying that pompuan ni practise sihir coz she kan part of Illuminati. These peoples memang terkenal mengamalkan sihir kata hubby...So he said its not a suprise to know that she cancelled her concert here. hubby verily belief that selama ni shes practising sihir where the truth her muka and suara tak sesedap mana. And pompuan tu takut dtg ke msia ni sebab takut her charm tak menjadi here in KL. Hmmm... Well at least Adib is agreeable with that thought. ;)

Disebabkan hati bengkek and hangin satu badan ni, Hubby ajak tgk new animation which tgh air kat cinema. CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS. Well, ive watched the trailer before this. To me it was aight. No high expectation whatsoever. But that nite after watchin the movie... Im soooooooooooooooooooo happy that this movie actually was very entertaining. Ada strong characters and great story lines. The animation sgt best!!!!!!! Imagine foods fall from the air.. ari ni ada burger, esok ada steak, lusa ada ice cream, pancakes.. etc.. Weeeehuuuu.. best wooo....

To dear friends, sila la tonton cerita ini. lagi best kalo tgk 3d. Bole nampak semua foods tu jatuh depan mata... Hmmm.. bukan takat finger licking good... U feels like licking everything termasuk la ur partner next to you. Hahahahaha... I never felt that Jell-O could be soooo tasty. Imagine u can jump into it. Wah... best cam main trampoline... Weeeehuuuuu....

Well, at least this story dapat mengubat hati yg hangin ngan si "B" tu. And guess what, last nite i damn sure that i heard Catt Sandler of The E! Daily 10 news sebut Malaysia.. Beyonce.. postpone.. strict rules... islam country.. sexy image.. Wah.. we are in the maps now... Sukati ko la betina!!!!!

Tapi.. errm.. metal glove ni nak campak mana? Hahahahaha..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Aktiviti Rukun Tetangga

Last Saturday nite was great. Saja je that nite ajak my lovely neighbours dtg umah buat potluck. They are so kind enuff to bring great foods and to celebrate my Hubby's 35th birthday. It was nothing much. But the thought that e'one bersusah payah masak n dtg umah makan beramai2 membuatkan saya rasa tersangat laaaaaaaa terharu.

Antara foods yang hangat dan bole dibawa ketengah is Biqque's famous Kebabun Astaga. Memang sedap! Extra sedap coz buat in rush, tapi rasanya... sedap banget!!! Dib pulak sanggup bersusah payah fried nuggets for us. Tq babe coz between juggling Myra and ur Hubby, u got time to do the cooking! I do really appreciate that. Paling best sekali that nite was Jajan yg di sponsor oleh Aisha! Macam nak bukak candy store for kiddies! Anyway, tq Sha&Wan. (anyway, Wan berjaya bergaul mlm tu!. wooohooooo)

Well, after makan2, Azah pun went to her car and brought in cuppies to celebrate Hubby's birthday. Tersipu2 muka Hubby! hahahaha.. Since that nite was Myra's 9th birthday, we celebrate her birthday too. I really wish Ely was here because the same nite was her birthday jugak. Unfortunately she's busy attending a course tuk Laksa Shack. Anyway, Happy Birthday gurl!

The cuppies were sooooo cute, though nampak lucah skit. Hehehehe...

Malam tu selain makan, we tried to become a Rock Star. Hubby memang excited nak jammin dari mula. Sanggup dia pinjam drum pedal kat his frenz just because nak jamming beramai. The jamming session was hilarious.

Biq yg konon2 tak tahu aka virgin malu2 nak cuba main. But once dpt drumstick, kaki kat pedal muka terus serious.. Siap biting lips lagi! hahahaha... An addicted now perhaps? Tak tahan jugak tgk Myra menjadi sound engineer mlm tu. Mummy and deydee sibuk jamming, the lil gurl tak nak ketinggalan. Numerous times dia panggil daydee dia tapi, her daydee was soooo into it. Hahahaha... last2 uncle nan yg dukung dia. but everytime lagu abis, she'll be crying kemarahan. Nak tak nak uncle Nan kena dukung dia and dance with her. Baru dia senyap sikit. :)

Ni bukti Myra sibuk jadi sounds engineer that nite. To avoid any disruption. Hahahahaha.. She's soooo adorable!

So, tq so much peeps. I had so much fun, big laugh and not forgetten a bloated tummy too. To Skin n Elly, next session mesti mai tau. This time more jantans la.. And sorry no jantan photo session that nite. The attendees so little that i'd forgetten to snap their pics. Sorry ya...

I love u guys! Korang rocks!!! Muahssssss...

Friday, October 16, 2009

To B With Love!

Today is 15th Oct. Hubby is 35! Time fly so fast. Rasanya baru jer celebrate his birthday last year. Last year celebration was the best. That nite we had big dinner @ Tony Romas. Papa siap beli birthday present tuk hubby. To hubby, that was special cause selama ni selain daripada I, tak pernah org lain celebrate birthday dia. We really had good time that nite.

But that nite jugak Papa pergi meninggalkan kami. Just few hours after that dinner. Sedih kalau diingatkan. But, as mummy always said, yang pergi tetap pergi. Kita yang masih ada kena teruskan life macam biasa. Alhamdulilah, dah setahun Papa pergi ni, semua can accept the facts and fate yg Papa dah tiada. Except kakdik yg kadang2 susah sgt nak let him go. I guess because she was so attached to Papa that made her susah to let him go. Hopes she'll be strong eventually. and hopefully Papa may rest in Jannah peacefully. Amin...

So, since this year i have no liberty to overspend, i decided to cook for hubby. Nothing special, but the thought of not doin anythin would be more kejam, ive decided to make it simple but memorable. Perhaps? So this morning, after sending him to work, i rushed to Giant Kinrara to get apa yg patut. After wasted more than 30 mins in Giant, hati tergerak nak check wallet, and guess what??????? I left it at home! Masa tu rasa nak knock my head for my own stupidity! Dahla selama ni bawak bag yg bagak tu, tapi wallet yg kecik tu pun tak bole simpan dlm bag tu! Arrgghh.. Rasa marah sgt. Anor thing because petrol masa tu pun tinggal nyawa2 ikan jer. Well, what options do i have? Terpaksa balik and later dtg balik Giant... Kan buang masa and tenaga namanya tu?

So around 5pm, i start my project. First, to prepare Kek Batik. Ni mmg favourite hubby.Dah lama dia mintak me to prepare this cake. But since her wife have the word 'PROCRASTINATE' as her middle name, selalu dok tangguh2 sampai tak berbuat2 pun. Since today it's his birthday, i did this to make him happy. Dan sebenarnya bukan lah susah pun... Tak sampai 20mins kek siap and ready to be chilled in the fridge. After that lamb yg dah dimarinade pun di grill, half cooked. So that bila hubby balik, bole jer masak sekejap. In the same time siapkan coleslow as sidedish and by 6pm semua dah siap... Tadaaaaaa..

Around 615pm gerak ke Cyberjaya to pick him up. Awal2 tadi dah bagitau Hubby suh balik ngan offmate dia sebab konon2 nak suprise him with the candle lite dinner ke apa, tapi tak berjaya. Semua org dah ada plan kata dia. So bila sampai, nasib baik hubby cakap dia nak balik terus and siap bagitau dia nak dinner lambat arini. Konon nak balik mandi, rest, dinner than buat keja free lance dia.

Sampai rumah Hubby terus naik mandi. Time ni la buat last minute preparation. Goreng fries, grill lamb balik and fix the drink. Habis dia mandi, its my turn to bathe and bersiap. When i went down, hubby on the couch melelapkan mata. Senang masa ni masuk kitchen, prepare the dish and the table too. Siap lite on the candle and tutup lampu lagi.. Hahahaha...

Later, semua da siap, its time to wake him up. At first muka dia cam terpinga2 and tanya why i tutup lampu semua. When i invited him to table for dinner, dia cam terharu... (ye ke? ke berlakon jer? :p) So ini lah lamb chop fo that nite. With brown sauce sekali. :)

homemade lamb chop

Dan inilah muka Hubby ku yang konon2 suprised and happy tu!

Sepanjang mkn to we just keep quite and enjoying the food. Maybe sebab tk penah makan dlm gelap kot? Hahahahahah.. At the end hubby bersuara, "cuba you tgk lamb ni? i dah abis makan semua kan? ni tulang jer kan?" Hahahahaha.. kompem Hubby makan dlm gelap!

After semua dah licin, i cleaned the table sambil Hubby sandar kekenyangan. Tak berhenti2 hubby senyum simpul. Im glad he's happy with the chop! And now, its time for dessert. Took out the cake from the fridge and cut a slice for him. Then i said to him, "B, belum abis lagi tau. This is ur most wanted cake. I taktau sedap ke idak. My 1st time buat ni." When i gave him that cake, muka dia mmg teruja. Nasib baik tak bake choc cake beria2. This simple cake pun buat dia teruja.

"B, da lama i mintak cake ni. Arini baru u buat.. Tq sgt2.." (ermm..perli ke tu?) Tak kisahlah, yg penting he's happy. Nasib baik he loves it. Sukati tgk dia mkn bersungguh2. Rasa cam berbaloi sgt masak tuk dia bithday ni! :)

Ni la rupa Kek Batik tu. Though its ugly, tapi sedap. hahahhaa..

Im glad he's happy with the dinner. Betul kata org, homemade cook is the best. Ada personal touch di situ. And yes, kalo tak sedap pun, Hubby mesti tak berani nak complaint. Confirm dah segala permintaan utk memasak after this tak akan dilayan! So u can never go wrong if u decide to cook for your spouse on very special occasion like this.

To Love of my life, Happy Birthday. Moga di panjangkan usia, dimurahkan rezeki, di berkati kehidupan ini dunia dan akhirat.

Have a blast year ahead. Again, Don't think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic!
And yes... "Let me sayang u, B..." Hehehehehehe...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

And im missing him badly...

Deep within the corners of my mind
I keep a memory of your faces
And I only pull it out when I long for your embrace

Deep within the corners of my mind
I’m haunted by your smile
As it promises me joys like a journey to a tropic isle
It’s not hard to see what you do to me
It’s like a page right out of fist time wave
Though I try to fight it all the word you write
Leave me standing in the starry robe in some tragic lovers place

But deep within the corners of my mind
I’m praying secretly that eventually in time
There’ll be a place for you and me

That eventually in time
There’ll be a place for you and me
There’ll be a place for you and me

Deep within the corners of my mind

-Melody Gardot-

Friday, August 14, 2009

bersediakah aku?

ramadhan dah hampir. bulan yg mulia. kalau dulu rasa seronok sgt bila ramdhan dtg. tapi tahun ni, tak rasa pun macam tu. rasa takut utk menempuhnya lagi adalah. tapi aku tau aku tak bleh tipu diri sendirI. mahu atau tidak, dia pasti hampir. mengapa takutkan ramadhan? bukan itu bukan mulia yg ditunggu oleh umat islam?

aku tak bersedia tuk menempuh Ramdhan tahun ini sebab Papa dah tiada. takut sangat nak pikirkan macam mana nak menghadapi bulan Ramadhan dan seterusnya Syawal. Ramadhan terlalu istimewa tuk kami. Tuk keluarga kami... Papa org yg paling busy bila datangnya ramadhan. Sepanjang perkahwinan ibu ngan papa, ibu tak pernah sediakan sahur tuk kami sekeluarga. Itu tugas Papa. Papa akan bangun awal tuk masuh sahur setiap pagi. Without fails! Kerja kitaorg adik beradik hanyalah sediakan pinggan mangkuk, kejutkan ibu tuk makan sahur. Papa tak akan susahkan ibu tuk sahur. Cuma apa yg dia nak hanyalah teh tarik ibu buat pelengkap sahurnya.

Daytime selalunya papa ada jer kerjanya. Sibuk nak sediakan tuk anak2 berbuka pulak. He'll call u and tanya nak makan apa for berbuka. Masa tulah bole request macam2 and jarang sekali Papa menghampakan kitaorg.. Im so gonna missed his homemade murtabak for berbuka, his kerabu mangga for bersahur and his sup sayur when i dont feels like having nasik for that day.

And im so not ready to have Syawal. I wont be able to taste Papa specialty anymore. Tak akan dapat lagi nak cium tangan Papa...Tak akan dapat lagi gosok kan baju melayu dia, samping dia, siapkan songkok dia.. butang baju melayu diaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Ya Allah sebaknya dada ni!!!!!

Ya Allah kuatkan lah hati ini... Berikan aku kekuatan dan menerima takdir yang telah kau tetapkan. Pada mu jelah aku mampu memohon dan berserah.. Ampun kan segala dosa Papa samada kecil atau besar, disedari atau tidak disedarinya. Terangilah dan lapangkanlah kuburnya, tempatkan dia di golongan org2 yang beriman. Tempatkanlah dia di Syurgamu. Permudahkanlah urusannya bersamaMu. Makbulkan doa ku ini Ya Allah.

Dan Ya Allah....

Andai kutahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan tolong panjangkan umurku

Andai kutahu
Kapan tiba masaku
Ku akan memohon
Tuhan jangan Kau ambil nyawaku

Aku takut
Akan semua dosa dosaku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangiku

Andai kutahu
MalaikatMu kan menjemputku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata tobat padaMu

Aku takut
Akan semua dosa dosaku
Aku takut
Dosa yang terus membayangiku

Ampuni aku
Dari segala dosa dosaku
Ampuni aku
Menangisku bertobat padaMu

Aku manusia
Yang takut neraka
Namun aku juga
Tak pantas di surga

Andai kutahu
Kapan tiba ajalku
Izinkan aku
Mengucap kata tobat padaMu

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Its too many..

its been quite stimes since the last time i wrote. byk sgt benda nak ditulis dlm blog ni tapi senantiasa tak berjaya. busy or malas? there's fine thin line between both. well, let's not go there.

on 28th of July, ive celebrated my 3rd Anniversary. Blessed and thankful to great Allah for the journey He created for me along this marriage. i know there's a long way to go, but sincerely this 3 years had really crafted at least part of what i am now. Hubby is one of the great gift given by Him to me. He's not like what i am. Totally contradict. despite the differences, we build this marriage and strengthen this relationship though we've yet to have our own Lil Nan or Lil Deb. It's something that we both nak sangat. Tapi kalau belum masanya lagi, we both kena redha.

Recently jugak Hubby entered this IPCC Digital Interactive Comic organised by MSC. Dari last year lagi he wanted to enter this competition, cuma when he found bout it, dah pun terlepas the closing date. So this year, hubby beria2 dari awal tahun simpan azam nak masuk this competition. Ive heard bout 100 of his ideas. Most of it i just nod acoordingly or tambah sikit2 but more like buat jokes dari bagi good ideas.

So last month tiba2 he said, "B, i nak anta my comic for IPCC. tapi i xde story lagi"

And i yg confused ni pun tanya "What happened to our all ideas tu?"

He said" tak cukup power. i takmahu typical comic story. just like what most people buat kat msia ni"

So, i leave him alone. About a month, he sat in his room, tido lambat kekadang, and if nak released tension pun he prefer to sat in fornt of the TV and opt for his PS3. On one fine day, tiba2 he dok mengelabah, called my sis mintak tolong buat Budget Plan and some translation. And guess what, the submission day just tinggal sehari je lagi. But one thing bout Hubby, form beginning dia dah confident will be short listed to the top 20. so whwn they emailed him and told him that he's selected for the Final Round, masa tu di baru gelebah sungguh. This time he needs to prepare his presentation outline. As usual, last minute job saved him. Memang Hubby is not the type get it done cepat2. So, the nite before the dat of submission memang hectic sungguh. He didnt sleep, missed her foods and less attention given to the wifey. am i complaining? hell yes.. hahaha..

But its all worth it. He was great during the presentation. In facts the judges had unanimously voted for him. So when they announced him as the winner that eve, we all sooooooo happy. Jumping with joy!!!!!! Alhamdulilah... He deserved it. This is the one of the best moments in his life he said. same goes to me.. Again, syukur sangat2... ;)

Anor shocking moments for July was losing Yasmin Ahmad. I loves all her works. But the most shocking is when Kosmo! the tabloid had just acted stupidly, writing sthing which is uncalled for! At their defense, they said, they just wanna inform the reader bout Yasmin's that most of us not aware of and more like telling the reader the truth of her. Hey, i know what could sell papers.. Sex, sex, sex.. Because of this, they had go so low by printing that info. Well, honestly, does it really matter? And again, they using freedom of speech/media as their defense. Hello????????? If it doenst benefit u, u will said in the interest of media u have the right to do so. What if its benefited u????? U definitely would turn the table huh? Though Kosmo! had made a public apology to Yasmin's family and friends, this would not change the facts that how so unethical the writer and the editor! Bonggok sungguh!!!!

And on anor fine weekends, bout few hundreds or thousands of smart people marched on the road, tried to deliver the Memorandum v ISA to the Palace. One must thinking why do they marched? Even our PM had posted this question to the organiser. Because at this very moment the government is reviewing ISA on the need or the effect of not having it in the future. But n ooooo... its not good enough. We must create some chaos in the city then only government would hear us. Is that true? Hell no........ But i am suprised when i read my ex president of Bar Council on the reasons given by him anwering PM's Question why did the rakyat opted to march on that very said date...

Mr. Yeo in his statment printed in the Sun had said that the reason of why the raakyat marched is because they cannot compromise with governmnet in responding this matter. too many ISA's detainees family felt that it was unjustice. Fine.. I do understand their sentiment.. But.. to these people who marched, do they really knew what ISA is all about? The existence, the function, the repurcussion etc?

Percayalah... 3/4 org yg joined the said march tak tahu apa itu ISA. Mengapa ISA harus dimansuhkan or harus dikekalkan! To them those people in France, US had done it. Marching and protest in the street. that must sounds right kan......... So there shud be no reason why they cant do it.. Yelah tu!!!!!!! The different between them and you is, they know what are they fighting for. They understand their mission and objective! But honestly, these Msians yg participate on the protest dont even know the meaning of ISA. I met this boy who dengan bangganya menyatakan that he was there when the FRU using the drastic measure. Water canon, smoke balls etc.. bangga dapat tangkap gambar so that bila balik bole tunjuk kt org Kg. (dalam kes ini dia dari Kelantan) yg dia ada sama2 berhimpun, cuba berarak dari Sogo ke Masjid Jamek!!!!!! And when i asked ngapa dia nak ISA di mansuhkan? Guess apa jawapan dia???????
"Supaya pembangkang bole memerintah!" WTF!!!!!! Ishh...

Because of this la i think ISA should be remained! Susah nak cakap kalo org tak paham apa ISA itu sebenarnya!!!!!

Hah, tulah dia... Finally i managed to write this down.. Lega sikit.. But nooooooo.. there's anor issue that really attract my attention, Penang's High Chaparral.... darn, tomorow is friday. the final day. let just wait and see. maybe i shud write this topic on a new post. Meanwhile, clock struck at 2am dah.. maybe i shud sign off. nak kena tido. esok kul 530 dah nak bangun...haaa....

Nite2 peeps....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad Remembered

i trust in Him.

He knows best.

Al-Fatihah to Yasmin Ahmad

She was not only talented but also beautiful.

She went where no one dared.

Let her untimely death teach us about love, life, death


how one can laugh and cry at the same time.

May she rest in Jannah. Insya Allah...

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Best Sis Ever!

it's July. Soon would be my 3rd years Anniversary. I was di Ijab Kabulkan on 28/07/2006. After almost 11 years, we both decided to tied the knot. it's like a big FINALLY.. but last year, we didn't celebrate our Anniversary. And I have this strong feelings the same thing would happen again. Reason being; hubby is very busy with new hectic schedule. As ive been told, he got to many in hands that he himself is losing the skills to organize.. sigh...

But, last nite, this Beautiful had landed on my laps. The most shocking was because, it's not from Hubby. It was from my great sis.

"Happy 3rd Anniversary kakak.." that was uttered by her when she handed me the lovely box!

A Folli Follie?????????

this beautiful gift really complement my empty right finger.

i cant help but melompat sakan when i saw this ring. been eyeing for it for quite sometimes. and now it is officially mine! mine.. mine..mine!!!!!

im loving my new addition.

Posted by Picasa

i bet by now hubby dah rasa pressurenya. if my sis had put some efforts to remember OUR anniversary, takkan Hubby can afford doing nothing kan? kan? kan?

i love u kakdik! im the luckiest person on earth to have u as my sis!!!

love to the bits!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's like Penknife In Your Heart

this heart is aching.

it might failing.

anyone care to attend to its funeral?

pls RSVP!

Friday, July 10, 2009

such a fashion victim!!!!!

my name is Barbyy Gold-metal.

i hates the in thing"Gladiator" shoes!

too strappy, very hassle to wear

and you would not became a GLADIATOR just because you wearing it


i am eating my own words now..


i wanna have one..


i blame STEVE MADDEN for this!!!!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Meet My Policious Babes!

they were bombastic! mind blowing (blasting as Peter Russel says..)

it has been ages since the last time i visited such places. but in the spirit of charity and devoted frenz who had promised to be the best supporter ever, i make an excuse to visit Modesto again. and this time at a new place, Capsquare.

my fellow KL Young Lawyers had organised a charity event where the proceed is tobe given to a selected Old Folks Home. charity money is to be collected based on the performance made by the lawyers. one of the performance is by The Policious Babes. the word policious is a combination of Pole and Delicious. indeed, they were true Policious babes..

consists of 3 babes, where all of them were proud wifey and mummy, the performance was bizarre. tak sangka they can really do pole dance. it was superb!!!!!! i was amazed and sensually aroused in the same time.. hahahaha (make me question my sexual preference). hahaha..

meet Eva. her ability to climb from below up and make a big swirl swing was fantastic!

the gurls managed to collect rm15k for the old folk homes. i bet most of the money came from all guys who was drooling with air liuh meleleh orrrrrr with hidung berdarah.. saw a chinese chap who was stunned by the performance, with his mouth wide open and snapping photos of them non stop!

meet Elektra. she was really electrifying! her splits and topsie turvy acts was damn hot!!!

meet my partner in crime, Lolita.. the name says it all. make u wanna tune to Sensual Seduction by Snoop immediately..

celebration moments. after the tiptop performance! guys, u are damn hot!!!

i am proud of you guys. it just that im not sure how are you gonna face the people in Courts later? hahahaha.. i bet the guys including judges would give more attention to you guys after this? perhaps, no more tough days in Court gurls? hehehehe...

Congrats Policious Babes!!!!!

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Myra is 5 months now...

gurl dah besar...

meet her last weekend. she's grown taller, shed few kilos.. and bit cranky... the saddest part, she didnt recognised us anymore.. sedey...

i make a vow now that i shall meet her religiously. biarlah mak bapak dia marah ke apa.. hehehe..

and yes.. she's not amused by uncle nan's "humairahumairahumairahhhhh.." anymore. well, fret not, uncle nan had came up with greater nick for her.. "bobot" (ntah mak bapak dia appove or not, main sukati jer my hubby ni.. hahahaha)

gurl memang dah besar... mummy said she had her solid food the nite before.. pandai gurl ni la...

i love colors and.. deydieeee

and yes myra, we want u know that besides having loving parents, you do have a bunch of aunties and uncles who adores and loves you too...

muahssss.. HAPPY 5 MONTHS OLD GURL...

p/s mummy and daddy kalo nak byr RM1k for her photos kat pro photog, aunty deby tak kisah... :p cozzzzzzzz.. aunty sendiri tak mampu nak bayar gurl tuk jadik aunty nye model tau.. hehehe...
Aunty Deby

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

it's ACTION time!

"deb, gym 2nite? me and ahtan goin to cyber tonite. jom?"

"huh? gym? myra ada?" (wtf? gym? ages dah i meninggalkan gym ni!)

so, last 2 nite, me and my neighbours went to Kelab Komuniti Cyberjaya's gymnasium. i was induced to go thinking ill be meeting baby gurl. tapi.... tipah tertipu! myra takde pun. darn...
but dengan berat hati, berbekalkan my dslr i joined them to gym. my objective that nite, nak amik gambar jerrrrrrrr...

"u jgn beria sgt tau deb. make sure u warm up 1st, k?" pesan adib

"oh ok. tapi i mmg takmo buat beria sgt. 1st nite kan? takut urat terperanjat"
(wtf? beria? u must be joking deebo.. hahaha)

so that nite i memang tak beria sangat, but the machines is so tempting.. end up i tried all d machines. under supervision ahtan obviously. (tu pun he came up and down checking on me n his wifey... takut i beria sgt kot? hahahha..)

but guess wat? it was hell fun!!!!!!!! i love the threadmill (though i only lasted for 15mins, tak habis pun beginner training.. hahaha)

i was quite impressed with the equipments they have here. agak complete jugak. at least there's a place we can sweat with minimal fee. only rm5 per entry. that's quite cheap aight?

of all, i love this cycle regime. plus point cause u actually can lean your body and it made less painful. hahaha.. i completed the Heart Rate exercised and burned bout 50 cal. that's already 2 pieces of Oreos! pergghhh.. gempak siut.. hehehhe (padahal an hour before i go, i stuffed myself with a big portion of nasi kerabu!!! hahaha..) i guess to burn the all bad calories in me will take agessssssss....

i also love this big machine. this big gadget could help you to get great abs. but what u need is determination and strength to pull the weight! but to me takyah lah great abs sgt. to wear off this spare tyres pun da bagus dah. wakakaka..

truth is, i really had good time here! it's like entering a hell but end result was great. i felt good. feel bit lighter...

muka kami2 yg puas.. check out the sweats!

but noooooooo.. it's all temporary. there goes my effort when we later decided to let go that great feeling by sipping a cup of teh tarik after the long hardworking nite.

and yes dib, i blame u for that! :p

Sunday, June 14, 2009


The recent technologies achievement have benefited human kind. Things are easier new with the new technology called the Net. Unlike in some countries, Malaysian had to subscribe to certain net provider in order to use this facilities. For personal user, i have to say that's our local Net provider is ain't cheap. (to be compared with the Japanese and the Americans).

Since they are many Net provider recently, most Malaysians had the option to choose to subscribe the best Net provider. Devastatingly ive said, most of them did not deliver what they've promised to the consumer as advertised in various medias.

I was once a Streamyx user (provided by our local big giant telco namely Telekom). If i were to grade them, i have to give my honest opinion that their service is not even up to my expectation. not that i have very high expectation but if as a user u have to face the disconnecting of service for most of the days of the month, obviously your patience wud running low. It doesnt stop there. The customer service was even worst! Your complaints would only be heard after you have to listen to their 5 mins promos before you can even talked to the customer service!!! WTF!!!!!

It's even shittier when i moved to my new home here in Puncak Jalil. I was told that our portal (like i know what doors they wanna used) for streamyx here is fully taken. Hmmm.. i wonder whether they have not properly survey how many houses ar here in PUJ that might subscribe to their service. Wasn't it a bad judgmet???? And pls, dont let me start with their billing process. Though as to date, my home was never been installed by Streamyx, our bills are keep on coming! When ever lah i had the privilliged pakai streamyx kat PUJ pun i tak tahulah. Im sooooo fucking clueless.

And pls do not jump to your conclusion, i indeed had called and went to Kedai telekom with a missionto terminate my current account. Somehow, they had succesfully induced us not to do so as we were told that should we want to subscribe as new user, very much difficulties might occured. In facts it will only costs me more. I was assured by the staff that it is better for us to be in the waiting list and shud there's extra portal in the future, they would again installed the Stremyx. meanwhile, we were also assured that they would no charge us during the waiting period as obviously since we arent able to use the facilities, why would they charge us? But hellllllllll nooooooooooo.. As i said that the bills are keep coming in and this buat i rasa lagi sakit hati!!!!!!!

Ok.. that was streamyx issue. I now have no other option but to subscribe Maxis Broadband. The only thing i like about Maxis Bband was the doggle given was rather simple, mobile and petite. It can fix in any handbags! But ths serviceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. Adoih!!!!! Sabar jela. Very lah nya!!! So lembab!!! And it's expensive.. and i cant do P2P thingy, cant dload from torrent etc. i know there's way to do it but im rather not interested to waste my time and space to download all softwares that cud make dat possible... Maxis service memang macam haram!!!!! And please, please GOD do not let me start commenting on their marketing tagline.. Mau makan berhari2 tak habis nanti. :(

And now there's Wiggy@Wimax. I heard the speed is 10 times better than Maxis, Celcom etc. But thennnnnnnnn as i checked this morning, my area are still not within their service area. Macam G.A.M.P.A.N.G!!!!!!! Amik kooooooo.. Adehhhhhhh penat betul la!

So what are the choices left for me now????? Maybe i just shud sit in one corner and start cursing till i became very exhausted.

As i quote Patrick Teoh's tagline "NIAMAH!!!!"

Monday, June 8, 2009


i completed my SPM in the year of 1995. immediately after, i was offered to do my degree in UM. went there for a week, tapi rescued by Papa coz dia tau im not happy there. n guess where's my next destination? MSMKL. Buat apa? Amik A-Level! yeeeeeehaaaaa......

So, MSMKL i went. Tempat itu sgtlah sadisnya!!!!!! Well, the college was great. but.. the hostel are sucks! i have my own reason why i said this. my hostel then was actually parking building turned hostel. bayangkanlahhhhhhhhh.. it was cramped, stuffy and sooooooooooo old!

But that place changed my life! It defines me for what i am now. hm.. at least bit.. i really thank god for being there. it was one of my life's chapters that i really treasured.

i made friends there. true friends indeed. there i was introduced to these great bunch of peeps. i was put in this small room with 2 double deckers. my roomies, Jaja, Ayin, Syaz and me. guess what? all of them are Sri Amanians. later i found there were many Sri Amanians. like really ramai...

so we blended well. from that small group, i was introduced to the rest of them. end up they thought i was a Sri Amanian too. hehehe.. i went to that level where i picked on all Assuntarian n hated them just like Sri Amanian too. hahaha.. klaka kalo difikirkan.

later, from that crampy hostel, we were moved to Kenari Court Apartment. its about 10mins away. the college had provided us lrt card to all their students. so we commute from Pandan Indah to Shamelin by train everyday.

Staying at Kenari Court was the best part in MSM! I got the greatest housemates ever! There were 8 of us. 5 of them were Sri Amanians! the legacy continues.. there were Ayin, Jaja, Syaz, Aishah and Comot(the sri amanians), Nina from TTDI, Ija from Kedah and me. We were true buddies. Be there thru thick and thin, good and bad.

Ayin was the most sewel gurl in d house. She's like our lil baby. She can do the unthinkable but somehow she can also take a very good care of herself. God.. its sooooooo funny if u recalled wat she did during that college time. Clubbing everynite, sneaked in and out, got high... hahahahaha....... ayin..ayin... She brings tooooooooo many good moments in dat house. she's so manja and always got everything she wants. We somehow felt obligated to make her happy. Semua sanggup buat apa jer for her. She's d one who started the sisters calling. Along, angah, kakchik etc. Lekat pulak tu sampai skrg.. we really loves her!

Last Thursday Ayin tied the knot. it's like wooooooooooo.. finally.......finally there's somebody who's gonna take care of her. she's in good hand now. marrying iskandar wud be one of the best choice of her life. we areeeeeeeeeeeee so happy for her...

the eve where ayin is officially Mrs Iskandar

Ayin, congratulations! Along loves you. I wish the best for your life. and yes, it was the sweetest wedding ever. everything is beautiful! especially the fresh flowers bouquet that you can find in that house! from the entrance to the hantaran. i love it.. really love it!

my favourite moment!

isnt she lovely?

finally gurl... felicitations!!!!!! muahsssssssss


p/s klik here if u wanna see how beautiful the wedding was. (^-^)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

C'est la vie

after a great weekend, somehow my world start to turn me down. after too much anticipation, it aint coming... it just never there. never...

ive been holding back.. but it aint easy. holding your tears was never easy. at least not to me. yup.. mum used to tell me that im a one drama queen. but i guess i know from whom i inherited it. and it must be u mum.

arghhh.. not only i have to bear the emptiness, the pain has just set in. seriously i hopes this wud only last for few days. to endure more pain is so unbearable.

the mixed feelings in me just killed me. coz its not easy, its never easy! trying to calm yourself and in the same time trying to deal with the pain, darn, that's hard!

Thank god, there's Humairah.. the lil angel.. who make me laugh.. who make me smile... tq Dib and Ahtan for your kindness in sharing her with the world. You guys just make someone's world feel brighter. I owe u for your kindness. Thank you so much!

but as i hold this words close to my heart, the Merciful Allah knows better... I verily belief He has better things for me. Patience is a virtue. Would it be there or not, is purely not within my power. It may take days, months or years but as hubby said, we shud never ever turn ourself down. The law of attractions is there. +ve vibes invite +ve outcome. Need to switch this kacau mental to normal setting again.. sigh...

And yes B, i thank you for being there, 24-7. I heart u with every beat of my heart.

And please sun keep on shining and yes sea please always rush to shore... for that is life...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

We Are The Champion!

remember when i said that i love this guy? he made it again! told u Barca needs him as their team mate. and better still, a captain. he's the mastermind of the nite. he caused chaos to the Red Devil's. he made Ronaldo became so wary. i can see how much Ronaldo hated him that nite..

the result is, we won that nite! we won it with full integrity with displaying good and skilfull manners with great tactics too!

he deserved it! his score was classic! just like Maradona did it, minus the hand act! he was superb!

Eto'o made it! his score at the minutes of 10, had gave big impact to the Red Devil. MU is not their match. Barca is more matured than the Devils, i guess?

all in all, im more than happy. Seiing Barca lifted the cup was the best feeling ever! U deserve it Boys!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Makan pun dapat duit?

last friday nite, me, deebo, aisha and our spouses when out for late dinner at a brand new cafe named Island Red Cafe near Equine Park. this cafe was introduced by hubby's close frenz, Azan. the reason why we tried this cafe was merely because of the marketing scheme that was introduced by this cafe's co.

guess what? i was told by Azan that they had adapted Direct Selling Scheme in promoting this cafe. for all customers who joined as member they are given coupons depending on how much u willing to spend (not sure whether this is right or not). but each member are entitled to get some further discount when they had their meals here. on the top of that, each member are given some commission or allowances if they managed to recruit new other member. further than that, im not sure. :)

well, obviously we are not interested with the scheme whatsoever (though you can see most people who came into the cafe would definitely filled up the table with large no of people and you definitely wud see someone cud take in-charge explaining the MLM scheme).

as to foods wise, i definitely enjoyed their signature coffee (either hot or cold)! plus point given for its price. a glass of cold coffee was merely cost about rm2.70! that's even cheaper than Oldtown White Coffee. all of us had agreed that the coffee was great indeed. ;)

i even tried their Chicken Curry with Arab's Bread. well, there's nothing to shout about. i had to request for extra gravvy to enjoy my Arab's bread. it was so-so lah..

the y are not that generous. the curry comes with only HALF of arab's bread. tak syiok betui.

ahtan had ordered Bihun Tomyam (though initially he was reluctant to have bihun with the tomyam. the blurness of the waiter had forced him to accept the bihun tomyam instead tomyam alone...hehehehe). but as usual, when it comes to grading the food, ahtan is soooooooooo easy to please. he enjoyed his food definitely.. hehehehe...

the lovely couple are enjoying their food

As to Aisha, she had ordered herself a bowl of keow tiow sup and some Penang Lor Bak. forgetten to asked her how her food was? hahahhaa... but i did took a bite on the Lor Bak and ive tasted better. i guess its was overcooked and bit dry. whereas Wan ordered himself a big plate of chicken wings which end up eaten by Ahtan and hubby.. hahaha.. but the portion is quite big. 6 pieces of chicken wings cost only for RM12.00. not that bad huh?

the overcooked and dry Lor Bak

the hillarious couple. :p

well, we had good time dat nite. non stop laughing. though baby Myra is not around, we definitely miss her. uncle Wan had came all the way thot of meeting her that nite. hehhehe.. sian..

i wud definitely get the i-phone... soon..soon.. u wait there! hehehe

we wrapped up near 145am. lupa baby Myra is at home waiting for her parents.... pity her... ;)