it's July. Soon would be my 3rd years Anniversary. I was di Ijab Kabulkan on 28/07/2006. After almost 11 years, we both decided to tied the knot. it's like a big FINALLY.. but last year, we didn't celebrate our Anniversary. And I have this strong feelings the same thing would happen again. Reason being; hubby is very busy with new hectic schedule. As ive been told, he got to many in hands that he himself is losing the skills to organize.. sigh...
But, last nite, this Beautiful had landed on my laps. The most shocking was because, it's not from Hubby. It was from my great sis.
But, last nite, this Beautiful had landed on my laps. The most shocking was because, it's not from Hubby. It was from my great sis.
"Happy 3rd Anniversary kakak.." that was uttered by her when she handed me the lovely box!
A Folli Follie?????????
A Folli Follie?????????
this beautiful gift really complement my empty right finger.
i cant help but melompat sakan when i saw this ring. been eyeing for it for quite sometimes. and now it is officially mine! mine.. mine..mine!!!!!
im loving my new addition.
hepi aniverseri.. semoga kite sume bertambah bahagia, cantek, kaya dan solehah...? thehehehehe (dah cam 'adik'la plakkkk)
tq skin.. insya allah.. kita akan atau memang cantik, bahagia and more kayas and solehah... (hang mmg mcm ADIK la...) hehehehehe...
i punya takde ke kakdik? gagagaga...
happy anniversary beb!
i love kakdik toooooo....hehehehe...happy anniversary babe!!!!!
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