Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10km Debut

4 days to go.

Energizer Night Race is on the corner. Im not prepared. This time around tak practise mana pun. Dahla my debut 10km, main belasah jer. Orang nak lari, awak pun sibuk nak lari... Haih...

But this time around, cik Fara will be running 10km too. Well, takla membantu sgt pun. Cik Fara dah mmg experienced buat 10km ni. From Kl Standard Chartered Marathon to Penang Bridge Marathon, this coming Marathon wud be "sap-sap-soi". Easy, sheamyzy breezy for her, i bet! As to me, id prefer to do it alone, tak pressure and takmo org rasa beban kena tunggu i lari cam kura-kura to finish the race. But on the other hand, it wud be great to have some one with you, at least she wud motivate you to finish the race before you decide to hail cab and drive you to finishing line. :)

My lil sis @ Kakdik pulak, will be doing her half Marathon debut.. 21km... uishhh.. i dunno where she got the spirit to do it. but looking at how hard she and her bff been practising, i verily belief all of them will complete the race before cut off time. Belum apa2 pun im already proud of them coz i remember this is just their 4th marathon and semua dah ready to challenge themselves to a new level. *clap*clap*

In the same time, my great friend will be doing her FULL MARATHON aka 42km Debut in the same race! Huishhh... itu lebih kurang jarak perjalanan dari Kl-Tanjung Malim kot... Pergghhh.. She did her half Marathon last month @ Putrajaya Night Marathon. That very day pun i already shed my proud tears. Malam tu nanti tak tau la.. Would be a drama all night long kot seeing people close to my heart doing something that many can only dream off!

As my great idol said to me today, "Walk if u can't run, crawl if u can't walk". Its knowing that u've fully trained, prepared ur best and giving it ur all on race day. Knowing tat u've got nothing else to spare in achieving tat goal tats wat matters most. Everythg else is secondary.

Fuhhhh.. semoga kami selamat maju jaya.

Btw, ni la my route for this coming Saturday. Me and the long dark 10km. Hopefully, the headlight dapat la terang kan suasana gelap kat Cyberjaya malam tu nanti.

*just received a call from Kakdik. She wants me get her the blue gel at @PPUM's pharmacy. She just injured herself where her right thigh muscle tersentap after 2nd lap running exercise. Ni dia kena rehat and recover before race day. Gatai sungguh la pompuan niiiiii...*

Monday, March 22, 2010

im not alone, definitely!

omg... hari ni tgh2 membaca news feed fb, tiba-tiba i saw a frez of mine joined this group!

ANTI TERJAH@TV3.com! wow!!! ada org betul2 benci this program. seriously.. im not alone all this while!

tanpa ragu2, i klik the page and became a member subsequently...

ada perasaan puas di situ!

if u with me, join laaaaaa...

Friday, March 19, 2010

bila berkawan...

dah lama takde gangguan perasaan camni. tapi perasaan tu dtg balik. haishh...

kenapa bila kita berkawan kita ada high expectation terhadap kawan kita tu?

kenapa kita sakit hati bila kita "diabaikan"?

kenapa bila berkawan nak kena compete itu ini? tak penat ke?

once, i was there. ingat ive learned my lesson. rupa-rupanya tidak.. patutnya once bitten twice shy. tapi lumrah manusia, sentiasa terlupa.

skrg ni nak kena heal the wound. penat la pura2 ni. tak kisahla apa pun yg jadik after this i should have known that never ever get emotionally attached! bila dah emotionally attach, mula la hati mintak yg bukan2. expect yang lebih2.

tak semua org can read between lines. and tak semua org itu transparent. just terima la org itu seadanya.. kena ingat balik konsep ikhlas ni. bila kita ikhlas, kita tak akan mengharap apa2 balasan sepatutnya.

itulah peringatan buat diri ini yg sering terlupa.


Thursday, March 18, 2010



i dunno what is tumblr. never knew the existance.

but on one fine day Danny Boy asked me;

DB : kak, why most your blog that u read tak pakai tumblr?

Me : tumblr? why? what is tumblr?

DB: dunno how to describe. but lagik best and simple dari blog layout yg lain. cam blog jugak, can put everything in tumblr. tapi lagi cantik.

Me: really? u have an account ek?

DB : errr... (taknak ngaku)

that night, i pun start to search for tumblr in the search engine. they've been around bout 3 years. it's easy to set up!

without me realising, ive created an account for myself. 30 minutes later, i have 5 post in it! true. it's very simple, pretty, hassle free.

i love tumblr. an alternative to this humble blog. im in love with my tumblr.

love is in the air!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sungguh Sejuk Hari Itu

on one hot sunny day, tiba2 MyOtherHalf bersuara,

MOH : Panas2 camni, kalo dapat berendam dalam sungai mesti bestkan? Cam sungai Bkt Belacan..
Me : Wat? Bukit Belacan mana ada sungai dah B.. semua dah jadik umah kot kt sana
MOH : Really? Last time i mandi sungai masa kecik2 kt Bkt Belacan. B jom mandi sungai nak?
Me : Serious???????

A week after that conversation, MOH sibuk cerita kat my mum and her neighbour betapa dia teringin nak mandi sungai. My mum as usal, pantang diajak, terus buat plan wit her neighbour. My mum's neighbour ni dah kira her besties la skrg. Since Papa takde and Danny Boy dah keja, she'll plan her day ahead wit her neighbour ni, Cik Arah namanya. So, immediately Cik Arah agreed to join the mandi sungai trip and siap suggest us this place kt Hulu Yam tuk mandi sungai. Ive heard bout Hulu Yam numerous times, but it scares me off after i heard there were cases where they found dead people somewhere around there. But tak kisahla.. Cik Arah succesfully convinced my MOH that place is safe and katanya sungai kat situ masih clear and ada waterfall lagik..

The very next day we drove to Hulu Yam. Earlier before, me and mum sibuk prepared dishes tuk org yg akan lapar bila dah berendam nanti. Ingatkan nak masak nasi goreng bodo and fry some ayamas drummet jer. Tapi sorry la.. ni kalau nak berkelah ngan Cik Midah aka my mum, makan kena terbaek... Sudahnya berbekas2 lah lauk pauk, air minum berbotol2, periuk nasik and belanga semuanya diangkut semua. hehehe...

We took mrr2 from damansara damai to batu caves, ikut jalan lama ke Hulu Yam. on the way, terasa sgt dejavu sebab penah lalu malam nak beraya di rumah cik Fara dulu. rupa-rupanya rumah fara and that picnic place memang tak jauh, which only takes bout 20mins jer kot. Anor dejavu coz we have to pass this Empangan tempat MOH punya Garaa band 1st photography shooting. Tersenyum teringat masa depa cuba berpose dpn camera for the first time.. during the adolescence years. hehehehe.. muda remaja gitu. hehehe

Immediately after the empangan about 10 mins driving ahead, tiba2 nampak ada waterfall on the left. semua menjerit and MOH have to make an emergency stop. hahhaahaha.. terlampau teruja sgt. luckily there was no cars behind. kalo tak, naya jer... so everyone agreed to settle down near the waterfall. actually on the right side of the road pulak, ada tangga jauhhhhhhh ke bawah and they said ada air terjun lagi cantik aand the water is crystal clear... memandangkan we are traveling with makcik2 and pakcik yang ada sakit lutut, we all bersetuju je la nak berport kat tepi waterfall tu. takpayah diaorg susah2 turun and naik tangga yg tinggi tu...

so after amik tempat yg menarik, secara spontan semua org lapar and it was mid day already. memang lunch hour pun. so belum apa pun, we all terus serbu the foods that my mum prepared. what i prepared for the day was only masak nasik and a dish of lauk. lauk segera jer, ayam masak sos and sayur bayam rebus jer.. but mummy memang hebat... siap masak daging salai lemak cili api, ayam bakar, sambal belacan etc. and yes, her always standby mode sambal kentang ikan bilis pun wajib ada. cik arah siap bawak ikan keli berlada, gulai ayam lagi...and.. kicap kipas udang wajib ada! memang meriah tu!

belum mandi pun dah lapa. lauk pauk cam kenduri. terbaek...

lepas perut dah kenyang, we decided to go the other side of the road. turun tangga yg jauhhhh nunnn ke bawah tu. belum apa2 dah kena tahan ngan AJK Perhilitan. rupa2nya sorang kena bayar rm1 tuk enjoy this hutan lipur kononnya. so MOH paid rm7 to the guy. mula2 cam musykil la, takut kena tipu. tapi dia siap provide receipt and siap ckp tempat ni cam Selangor reserved park. maintained by state government katanya. so malas nak gaduh, MOH paid willingly.

so the journey begins.. nak turun ke bawah ni tak lah susah mana. but the steps memang besar2 la.. human made staircase kan.. so memang uneven and kena berhati2. after taking about 50 steps down, tiba2... nampak jambatan gantung..... best wooooo.. we have to cross the other side by the jambatan gantung and right under u can seee the beauuuutiful river! cantek sgt....

muka kanak2 riang

sampai jer at the other side, semua cam excited semacam. esp MOH! just like kanak2 ribena.. for ages, tak nampak air sungai and furthermore sungai ni masih jernih airnya. thank god it was mid of week, orang memang takde.. masa tu ada la 2 couple kat bawah tu. since we all takmo nak kacau org bercinta, we all pun jalan ke atas tuk carik better port. perhaps jumpa waterfall yang cantik tuk berendam. but sadly, around the bushes memang la ada sampah merata-rata. this is Malaysia kan? the not friendly styrofoam plates, cups, plastics bags, bottles memang merata2. sedey gak la... tapi bila tgk sungai yg still clear and bersih lagi, hati trus bunga2. tak sabar nak berendam ni... so we managed to get a nice spot jauh dari mana2 couple yg sibuk nak bercinta. adeh.. apa la best bercinta kt sungai?

ni la our port tuk berendam. nampak tak betapa clear nya sungai tu. best woooooo

uish... the feeling dapat berendam dalam air sungai ni... best giler!!!!!!!! tergelak besar tgk MOH cam budak2 explore sungai tu.. memang best! terbaek giler!!!! and seriously best nak mampus. dah la tghari buta, air sungai yg sejuk, ada pokok kiri kanan andddddd matahari yg tak tertembus dek pokok yg rendang tu.... lovely!!!!!! it was really great. even my sis kononnya amik EL nak settle her office works kt umah pun seronok dapat ditched her works and joined us dat day. bak kata MOH, hilang semua masalah dia kt sungai tu. hehehehe. nyaman bangat!!!!!!

lepas dok berendam and tukar spot 2-3 kali, tiba2 teringat kat mummy yang tertinggal on the other side. masa ni jari2 dah start mengecut dah.. so we decided to climb up again and lepak with the elderly pulak. and furthermore, perut dah start rasa lapa balik.

the climbing part was not easy. my sis lain la, since she decides to do half marathon at coming Cyberjaya's marathon, dia memang dah intensively buat keja gile ni. every weekend she'll do yoga, swimming, climbing Bukit Broga etc.. so naik tangga tu cam takde mende la.. me... yg konon nak lari 10km for this marathon, tak henti2 cungap and berenti 2-3 kali. dengan beban bag on shoulder, badan yang basah2 ni, ni mmg pure obstacle ala2 Biggest Loser Asia punya challenge! fuihhh.. penat siuttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!

sampai jer kat spot diaorg, we saw my mum and cik Arah dok melepak tepi waterfall tu. excited tgk kitaorg dtg, my mum suh kitaorg berendam kt waterfall tu. MOH paling excited.. hehehe.. x sabar nak duduk bawah waterfall tu. sampai jerrrr.. muka terdiam... waterfall tu sgt tinggi k? and the water, turun cam org tolak barang on your shoulder k? my mum siap usik MOh lagi... katanya sedap cam kena urut kat massage parlour. hahahaha.. amik ko... but the waterfall memang cantik la. untuk someone yg dah lamaaaaaa x nampak air sungai, and tiba2 nampak waterfall, that's consider as bonus dah tu!

ni la faces of MOH yg puas dapat mandi sungai! happy sgt dia...

ni muka dah penat berendam.. Hulu Yam memang terbaek!

setelah berpicnic bout 4 hours, it's about time to make a move. kena balik awal takut jalan jammed kat Batu Caves and mrr2 nanti. so we packed our stuff and head home. tapi.. journey balik cuma lah 40mins jer. gile kejap. tapi masa ni semua dah terdiam dalam kereta. semua kepenatan.

well, the picnic was a blast. MOH tak henti2 senyum. before balik Puncak Jalil, MOH salam my mum and told her that it was one of the best day of his life. kelaka jer rasa.. but MOH really means it. he was really thankful. im glad we made the right decision tuk mandi sungai.

so, tuk jiran tetangga and kengkawan semua, ada berani turun mandi sungai kat Hulu Yam? jommmmm... best wooooooooooooo... ;)

Reality Check

i am the eldest sister in the family.

i have 3 younger siblings.

my sis is doin great. like really great. her life is a bless. berkat doa ibu and papa menjadi anak yang mendengar kata dan senantiasa mendahulukan keluarga. and yes, im not complaining. tumpang syukur lagi...

my lil Bro, Wiwin which is not so lil, also doing ok. dah keja, have his own income and pandai jaga my mum.

my very lil Bro, Danny Boy just completed his SPM and got his result today. alhamdulilah...

and...my dad has returned to Great Allah. i pray he got his place and resting well in Jannah. i pray for that every single day since he left us...

and now, Danny Boy is stepping anor foot ahead. he needs to get the best education for himself. tapi...Papa dah takde...

BUT Papa had prepared me and my lil Sis to share the responsible since Danny Boy entered Form1. Since then we shared the cost of his education. From school fees, tuition fee, books, uniforms semua we shared the cost. Tapi.. semua tu tak berat sangat berbanding sekarang.

Soon, Danny Boy nak masuk Uni. and god... things are not cheap! and yes Papa dah takde... the burden is on me now to ensure he got the best education for himself just like wat Papa have done for me and the rest of us in the family.

im jobless. but im not hopeless.

i know my responsibility and i will honor it and do it at my level best. i know i can rely to my other siblings but i know Papa have so much hopes on me to take care of Danny Boy. that, is a sure thing!

im hoping the best for me. for Danny Boy. and the family.

i wanna be strong, hold my head high and stride this journey right.

and i cant stop praying and asking from none and other but the Great Allah for He knows better.

Amin... Semoga segala urusan diberkati dan dipermudahkan olehNya. Insya Allah...

Al-Fatihah tuk Papa...

*tiba-tiba hati sayu lagi, airmata bergenang tak henti.. arghhh.. i miss Papa badly... :(

Friday, March 5, 2010

Cuak Jadinya

just got home. last nite i stayed at my mum's place. Since MyOtherHalf (MOH) ada keja kt Kota Dmsara today, we figured better to overnight kt mum's place so he need not be rushing to K.Dmsara the next day.

We were not at home the entire day. After sending MOH to work, i helped my mum to settle all her errands as ive promised her the nite before. From renewing car insurance policy, queuing for road tax for about an hour (shud have done it thru myeg kan? dah lambat sgt.. ari ni roadtax last day pun) bwk dia mkn kat her so called discovery food place, then beli brg kt Ikea sampai MOH done his meeting swhere around 5pm. To avoid massive jam, we turn back to my mum's place and had dinner at her place. Furthermore, a friend of MOH, wish to meet me where the couple wish to seek for legal advise (shud have charging them for this la..lupa la pulak)

So the meeting ended at 1am, rushed home sebab MOH dah rindu sgt kat Mojo. Sampai umah dah pukul 130am. To our suprised..... rumah nampak cam kena ransacked! (memang la rumah bersepah sikit before we leaves, tapi xde la cam rumah kena ransacked.. ) Walked to my dining table, rasa cam terperanjat tgk gelas, mug and a plate bersepai kt lantai... ni mmg tak lain.. si MOJOOOOO la ni! For 10mins i thot my hse kena ransaacked ke apa.... MOH trus check Mojo's foods and obviously la da abissssss... Adehhhhh.. Mojo..... Bole tak??????

ni kira xdela sepah sgt.. the actual gmbr lupa nak amik.. marah punya pasal!

Skrg baru abis sapu lantai.. Esk nak kena mop the floor pulak.. Adeh.. penat laaaa...

MOJOOOOO u r soooo grounded! Hangin betul la! Hmmph!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Satu Ketika Dahulu

it was a hot day today. hilang mood nak buat apa. apatah lagi nak masuk dapur and masak. furthermore dlm fridge tu dah takde apa stock yg tinggal and bole dimasak. musim panas ni, kalau masuk dapur memasak skrg ni, peluh senang je mencurah2 and abis basah lenjun. and the next u know, MyBetterHalf would be complaining that i kuat masin skrg ni, uweekkk.. hehehe.

so, malam ni after received a text from my darling neighbour cik Biqque, informing us that the new food place kat our neighbourhood named Warung Pak Ali that the food they serve is quite tasty, me and My BetterHalf decided to have our dinner over there. While waiting for our food to be served, tiba-tiba he popped out this question;

MBH : Masa kecik2 dulu u ada main tukar2 biodata tak ngan sesapa ngan budak yg u suka?

Me : Huh? Game apa tu? (seriously blur and dont understand what his saying)

MBH : Takde? (bulat mata dia masa ni. hello??? we lives in different era.. u are early 70's boy and im a late 70's gurl!)

Me : Game apa main tukar2 biodata ni? Kecik2 dah main carik jodoh ke?

MBH : Hahahahaha... seriously dulu masa i kecik2, we will ask the gurl for their biodata. Tu konon nak tunjuk u are interested with that gurl. U akan tanya dia "saya nak biodata awak bole?"

Me : Ada yg response ke?

MBH : Ada... kalo dia response maknanya she likes u too! U will exchange ur datas with her.

Me : I wonder apa korang letak dlm biodata tu.

MBH : Normal stuff.. nama.. birthday.. faveret color...faveret food and drink... and hobbies.

Me : Perghhh.. sebijik cam Aunty Devi... (my ex neighbour when i was kid who fed me thosai,
idli for breakfast every single day!) Aunty Devi matchmake org macam tu la. hahahaa

MBH : Lebe kurang la.. Kitaorg pun bole letak senarai asset and strengths yg kitaorg ada in this
biodata.. (dgn nada bangga.)

Me : Huh? Agak2 la.. apa sgt la asset or kelebihan yg korang ada masa tu?

MBH : Byk.... Pandai main bola ke, melukis ke... lagi hebat kalo u ada... beskal BMX! Confirm you are one of hot stuff!

Oh M G.. Jaw dropping! Giler la... kecik2 dah macam tu. Seriously during my time mmg takde org mintak biodata watsoever. Well, maybe because i was brought up at a small town named Tg.Malim where everyone knows each other and most parents kenal sesama dema kitaorg takyah susah2 tukar biodata kot? Unlike MyBetterHalf, he was brought up in KL for his entire life. His loves for this city mmg tak boleh nak disangkal! That's anor reason why he hates the idea of balik kg for more than 2 days! Maximum is 3! If u survive 2 days pun dah cukup baik... Tulah MyBetterHalf!

Well, when i was kid, we dont do the thing he says. But i do remember that most of us have our own "Autograph Book". We, mostly gurls have that kind of book. We'll exchange among us and shall write sthing nice on that book. Words of praises, pantun 4 kerat, mini drawing or such. The efforts we put in decorating the book, memang superb! Lagi hebat dari Art homework yg cikgu suh buat kat sekolah! LOL.

I can clearly recalled there was an occasion where i asked arwah Papa to sketch me and my good frenz Eve&Sid (both are twins) before they migrate to Canada, in their Autograph Book. Papa is very talented guy and was gifted with that talent. He was an artist when he was in his school days and still doing great till he got married to my mum. The role as husband and a father, had limits his time to draw. But till todate im very proud with his work, i clearly remember how happy we were to see that sketches when the 1st time we saw it. Sangat cantik and cute too! ;)

So i guess wat i went through during my childhood maybe banyak yg tak sama ngan MyBetterHalf. He lives in different era... The 70s.. And im very much the 80s baby... Writing this make me realised that soon, in 4 yrs time, im married to a 40 years old man. Pergghhh.. Gila tua...

And i have to say, dalam banyak2 game pun, i loveeeeeeeee Super Mario Bros! I was a Champ! Something i can be proud of and can be put in that Biodata!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cant Fight This Feelings Anymore!

siakap senohong gelama ikan duri
cakap bohong lama2 mencuri.

mesti heran why i says this. i cant help it. i tau byk benda lain i bole tulis or cerita. but i seriously cant take it anymore. it's about our 'local entertainment journalist' or as what they claimed they are. to me, the above are the best words can describe current local entertainment journalist.

dari dulu lagi, it's a habit of me to get Utusan Mingguan bcoz that wud be my solely entertainment news aka gossip yg murah harganya. Yelahkan, u pay rm2 for main paper, u'll get free Pancaindera to read. to my family and my former hsemates, mmg they knew that my sunday wont complete selagi tak baca Pancaindera. one thing about me, ill never ever buy local gossip mags, but i do loveeeeee reading them. so yes, stimes u can caught me standing at many mags store browsing local gossip mags coz i will never ever get myself those mags! but now, things changed, sebab i can still keep myself updated by reading local gossip websites tumbuh macamla cendawan dlm cyberworld!

back to my issue, today, i got the chance to watch Melodi (our pioneer TV gossip programme). so, today the local journalists had caught my attention bila most of them secara gembeng screwing this one new actress named Puteri Sarah. i never seen her acts before, but her stories byk kali jugak berjaya sells those gossip mags. before i go further, bear in mind, i knew very little bout this gurl, coz she have nothing for me to concern about. but... recently i saw her name was everywhere as i can sense the vibes that the journalist is not happy with her and her bf too. i think her bf had caused a stir when he openly slammed the journalist thru his FB's status.

well, this gurl did the same when she bravely slammed anor journalist for creating a stupid gossip kononnya she was caught fighting with her bf and leaves early on the premier of her Lu Fikirlah Sendiri the movie (she was the main actress x salah i). so, what i saw in Melodi (which i percaya telah dipotong and diedit secara jayanya oleh the crew), a flock of Journalists came to one of her shooting place, and secara berjemaahnya telah menghentam aka interviewed her kononnya nak dapatkan kebenaran cerita dari pihak dia. makcik yg bawak mulut as she claimed tu pun dtg sama coz she 'kononnya' wants to clear the air?

yg i x paham here while watching it;

1. ada abg macho Z ni tiba naik berang kat one of the shooting crew after the crew tegur diaorg for interrupting or invading the shooting scene. abg Z tu siap jerit "So ko nak halau aku?"...
errr.. chop... bukan ke ko yg dtg tak dijemput and kaco kerja org, ngapa yg ko nak hangin? at least berbudi pekerti la sbb ko dah la intrude tmpt tu, bole tak control your anger or watsoever benda yg ko x puas hati tu????

2. tiba2 ada makcik pegang mic (dunno from where) hulur mic dpn that gurl and tanya "so sekarang you nak mintak maaf kt media ke tidak?"

errr...hello...bukan korang ke yg buat fitnah accusing her gadoh ngan bf sedangkan the gurl was in hurry nak gi shooting kan? werent she the victim here? nasib baik la that gurl pandai and said the same to the media! though she did apologised, i still think that the media yg kena paham that she's a victim here! takyah la dabik dada bila that gurl says sorry, just bcoz u think u guys r the journalist and periuk nasi that gurl is all depends on what u write mostly! sgtla keji k??????

and pagi ni, in pancaindera, bukan main lagi the journalist banged her on 2nd page k? isu maaf tu ikhlas or not pun bole dijadikan hot topic! what do u expect peeps, u hope the gurl will call of u personally and beg for forgiveness??? udah2 lah tu...!

3. later, budak journalist yg muda remaja from Melodi tu pun interview abg Z yg macho tu.

Melodi : Abg, ngapa abg cam marah/tegang right before the interview?
Abg Z : Bukan apa.. si sarah ni dah la... henti la dolak dalik. after that issue abg kol and sms dia, dia x penah nak jawab... abg nak bg peluang dia clearkan keadaan..

errrrk.. wtf???? ko marah sbb dia x nak angkat kol or reply sms ko? hoiii.. kalo dia xnak biarla, awat ko dendam lak kt interview ni? suka dia la.. kalo dia xmo and rasa she can survive witout u guys, korang jgn la marahhhhhh.. let she learns her lesson, though hard way... that's her option! sabar la bg Z oiii...

at the end of that issue, si journalist Melodi dgn muka yg bersungguh2 sambil naik kening and pointing fingers to camera ada hati nak cakap "jgn sesekali menggunakan apa2 media (FB or watsoever) untuk melepaskan geram or tidak puas hati.. fikirlah aka guna otak sebelum bertindak melulu...

errrkkk..wtf????? can u listen to wat u just said? didnt u just eating ur own word????? didnt u just using this media to stir up the issues!!! taktau la sapa yg kurang cerdik here!

so that was what caught my attention this afternoon. later at nite, i got the chance to finish my reading on Pancaindera..


ada lagi cerita psl artis.. sources nya? FACEBOOK lagi!!! i bet they are sooo limited of hot story, cerita pasal Juliza Adlizan ni pun nak dijadikan cerita panas... i know anything bout SEX sells. Tapi.. cerita yg korang tulis ni pun tak kurang keji nya... If u guys notice, the FB page of Juliza ni just the main profile page which can be viewed publicly coz these journalist are not even Juliza's frenz! Gossip keji ni pun korang cedok dari facebook... Adeh... get a life laaaaa... pi la bukak Dr.Najib's profile, Tun Mahathir ke.. Nik Aziz ke... sesapa laaaa... The journalist in Pancaindera siap perli and ngata that mmg la Juliza makin mantap and sexy... but the sex interest really disgusted them. kata mereka laaaaa..

i thot it will end there. the last page of Pancaindera, quotes Zizi The Fabs Cats ni perampas bf org pulak... and guess mana sumber depa? Facebook laaaaaaaaaaaa....

Tula dia... as the words of wisdom above, kalo slalu buat citer bohong.. lama2 ko dah xde issue, ko pandai mencuri.. curi kt mana? kt FB artist laaaa.. so to all Msian artists or celebrities, think before u write in ur FB account. Though it's considered as ur private space, just watch ur back.. Someone might sniffing or steal ur story right under ur nose!!! *sigh*